Leading Tactical & Logistic Solutions for Diverse Needs
Chorus has a unique set of features that help you explore datasets from multiple simulations, compare results and evaluate overall system performance. This tool helps engineers who run and generate many simulation or test data sets. The most common applications are:
In all these scenarios engineers need to manage their solution data, discover the trends and anomalies in output variables, and understand the underlying physics that cause these variations.
Spend less time waiting and more time discovering. More CFD simulations are being run, grid sizes are getting larger, and data sets are being stored remotely. It’s essential that you have the right tools to handle large data sets, automate workflows, and visualize parametric results. Integrate XY, 2D, & 3D plots and get them looking exactly the way you want. Communicate your results with brilliant images and animations.
Analyze complex results, explore billion-cell models, verify engineering designs, automate routine tasks, and get excellent technical help when you need it.
Take advantage of the power of the Python scripting language, and gain direct access to your data with PyTecplot. PyTecplot integrates fully with other Python-compatible tools, making Tecplot 360 part of your engineering ecosystem.